Abington announces 2021 alumni award winners


JDB电子分校授予了包括Ameen Akbar在内的2021年校友奖得主, Steve Korman, Quintara Tucker, Stan Singer.  

Credit: Karen Weiss Jones

The Penn State Abington 发展和校友关系办公室公布了2021年校友奖的四个类别的获奖者. The awards recognize the service, accomplishments, 以及阿宾顿校友和朋友的慈善投资, which enrich the campus and student experience for all.

According to Marissa Silverman, assistant director for alumni relations, 阿宾顿大学校长玛戈·德里卡尔皮尼将于下午6点颁奖.m. Thursday, Oct. 14. To register for the event, contact Silverman at [email protected].

Penn State Abington Alumni Award winners

Abington Alumni Service Award

该奖项旨在表彰在回馈JDB电子社区方面表现出色的校友, volunteering their service to campus, and engaging with current students, faculty and staff.

Abington Alumni Awards

Laura P. Clark

Credit: Laura P. Clark

Laura P. Clark
兽医克拉克是硕腾公司学术和专业事务高级经理, 她是美国和加勒比地区16所兽医学院的企业合作伙伴. 克拉克与阿宾顿的关系始于二十多年前,当时她是“数学选择”的志愿者, 一个旨在让女孩接触数学和科学事业的项目. In 2001, 她加入了阿宾顿顾问委员会,在那里她努力推进三位校长的愿景. She has mentored individual students, delivered a commencement address, 为对医学感兴趣的阿宾顿学生设立了信托奖学金, and, most recently, served as the chair of the Advisory Board.

Abington Alumni Awards

Stanley A. Singer

Credit: Stanley A. Singer

Stanley A. Singer
After starting his Penn State education at Abington, 辛格于1961年毕业于Smeal College of Business,获得工商管理学位. 自2007年以来,他一直担任Abington顾问委员会成员,包括担任主席, 最近,在领导层交接期间,他完成了三年的副主席任期. Stan and his wife, Lois, have been generous supporters of Penn State Abington, 包括艺术项目和职业发展中心, and he has enjoyed mentoring students.


Quintara Tucker

Credit: Quintara Tucker

Quintara B. Tucker
Penn State alumnus Tucker, 2015, 是一个委员会认证的行为分析师,致力于改变孩子们的生活吗. 她最近开办了自己的公司,为应用行为分析(ABA)专业的学生提供通过董事会考试所需的支持和知识. 塔克是狮联的导师,每年两次参加道德小组,向PSS学生讲述ABA领域的道德问题.

Abington Young Alumni Award 

Abington Alumni Awards

Jacklin Rhoads

Credit: Jacklin Rhoads

Jacklin Rhoads
罗兹于2008年毕业于JDB电子校区,获得英语学位. 她在学生时代的领导能力和服务能力预示着未来的成功. She was president of Student Government Association, the senior class president, 也是联邦校园学生奖的获得者. 罗兹在公共关系和企业沟通方面有着成功的职业生涯. 目前,罗兹是宾夕法尼亚州总检察长办公室的通讯主任.

Abington Alumni Achievement Award 

该奖项旨在表彰那些在各自领域表现卓越的校友, contributed significantly to their profession, and gained exemplary reputation among colleagues. 

Ameen Akbar

Credit: Ameen Akbar

Ameen I. Akbar
The nominator for Akbar, 1999, 阿宾顿的校友和费城市议员以赛亚·托马斯, wrote, “阿米恩在他非凡的职业生涯中一直致力于为费城的年轻人服务.作为费城青年建设特许学校(YouthBuild Philadelphia Charter School)的主任,他专注于服务学习和指导. Now a senior associate at Grovider, Ameen咨询领导者,设计强大的文化体系,创造组织变革,提高运营效率.

Abington Alumni Awards

Eric Offner

Credit: Eric Offner

Eric Offner
1997年的奥夫纳在20多年前开始了他的招聘生涯. 他是费城成功创业公司Phenom的首批10名员工之一, 他是北美地区企业销售的高级副总裁. 飞鸿向包括微软在内的北美一些大公司的人力资源团队介绍人工智能技术, GM, and Whole Foods. 

Abington Donor Appreciation Award

Abington Alumni Awards

Steven H. Korman

Credit: Steven H. Korman

Steven H. Korman
Korman attended Abington and is a 1962 Penn State graduate. 三年多来,他一直在阿宾顿担任领导角色. 他的慈善哲学很简单:投资人力资本, and he has done just that by funding numerous scholarships. 他邀请科曼学院的学者和他一起参加到大都会地区邻里营养联盟的社区服务学习之旅,并在剧院享受一个晚上.

About Penn State Abington

Penn State Abington provides an affordable, 无障碍和高影响力的教育导致多元化学生群体的成功. 它致力于通过创新的方法在世界一流的研究型大学内实现21世纪公立高等教育的学生成功. With about 3,700 students, JDB电子分校是一所住宿校园,提供23个专业的学士学位, undergraduate research, the Schreyer honors program, NCAA Division III athletics and more.
