Penn State announces faculty recipients of 2023-24 U.S. 富布赖特学者奖


Old Main on Penn State's 大学公园 campus.

图片来源:Michelle Bixby

宾州大学公园. — Twelve Penn State faculty have received Fulbright Scholar Awards for the 2023-24 academic year, 根据 富布赖特U.S. 学者计划

富布赖特U.S. 学者计划是美国的.S. government's flagship international educational exchange program. 通过这个项目, 宾州州立大学教职工, staff and administrators have opportunities to conduct advanced research, 要么教,要么两样都做, 以及参加研讨会, 在国外. The program also affords recipients the opportunity to interact with, 并对…产生影响, their host communities during their Fulbright tenure.   

“It is a great compliment to our chosen faculty that once again Penn State has been awarded 10 or more Fulbright 学者hips through a highly competitive national selection process,罗杰·布林德利说, vice provost for Penn State 全球. “Fulbright consistently acknowledges Penn State as a ‘Top Producer’ and year over year our Penn State faculty prove their excellence and dedication to positive change in societies around the world through the Fulbright Program."

自1946年成立以来, the Fulbright program has provided more than 400,000名学生, 学者, 老师, artists and professionals of all backgrounds and fields the opportunity to study, 教授和进行研究, 交流思想, and contribute to finding solutions to important international problems.   

"It is inspiring to see the incredible efforts being made by our engaged faculty, both the skilled and visionary applicants and the committed Fulbright alumni at Penn State who sit on our discipline-based panels as critical readers and coaches with each new year of applications,布林德利说.

Penn State’s Fulbright recipients for 2023-24 and their host countries

Editor's note: This list is provided by the Institute of International Education and is accurate as of July 15. It will be updated on a rolling basis as new information is received (last updated July 25).

  • 加里·阿德勒 (Department of Sociology and Criminology, College of the Liberal Arts), Croatia. 

  • Somayeh Asadi (Department of Architectural Engineering, College of Engineering), Turkey. 

  • Zhanel DeVides (Division of Social Sciences, Business, and Education, 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校), Finland.

  • 詹妮弗•格里克 (Social Science Research Institute), Kyrgyzstan.

  • 伯利Hendrickson (Department of French and Francophone Studies, College of the Liberal Arts), France. 

  • 威廉H.A. Johnson (Black School of Business, Penn State Behrend), Thailand.

  • Zuleima Karpyn (Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering, College of Earth and Mineral Sciences), 西班牙. 

  • Margarita Lopez-Uribe (Department of Entomology, College of Agricultural Sciences), Colombia.

  • Kidane Mengisteab (African Studies program and Department of Political Science, College of the Liberal Arts; affiliate faculty, 国际事务学院), 非洲区域研究计划. 

  • Bing锅 (康乐部, 公园, 及旅游管理, College of Health and Human Development), 新加坡. 

  • Kai Schafft (Department of Educational Policy Studies, College of Education), Romania. 

  • Parisa Shokouhi (Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics, College of Engineering), France.  

JDB电子排名第一. 1 producer of Fulbright Scholars for 2022-23  

Penn State recently was recognized as the 顶你.S. producer of faculty Fulbright Scholars for the 2022-23 academic year 由美国.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. Seventeen faculty were offered awards for 2022-23, the most Penn State has ever received in an awards cycle.

Fulbright Scholar Award applications now being accepted for 2024-25  

The competition for Fulbright awards for the 2024-25 academic year has been announced, and the deadline for submission is Sept. 15. For more information about the application process, contact Penn State's faculty Fulbright adviser, 西尔维斯特Osagie, 电话:814-867-4276或 (电子邮件保护).