Ex-Philadelphia DA leads 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 Law School Forum

Students attending the 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 Law School Forum last week likely didn’t expect Lynn Abraham, the gritty former Philadelphia district 律师, to offer them a dose of motherly advice.

“To be successful, it doesn’t matter which law school you attend,”她说。. Abraham solemnly gestured to her head and then her chest and told the audience, “这是你的大脑, and it is your heart that will make the difference in your life. You have to outwork everybody else.”

“我的肚子里有一团火. I didn’t go to an Ivy League law school. We were the junkyard dogs, scrapping to get by,” she continued as the audience laughed heartily.

About 140 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 students packed the campus’ Lubert Commons and peppered Abraham and the high-powered panelists with questions about careers in the legal field. Attending law school part time verses full time, 压力管理, work-family balance and the value of discovering your passion were among the topics they discussed.

The panelists encouraged students to explore the many options that legal training offers. “Once you develop skills as a lawyer, you can take it with you anywhere in the world,——罗纳德·谢弗, a partner in the law firm of Fox Rothschild, 说. The Penn State alum also told aspiring 律师s that employment prospects at law firms have improved recently.

Temple law student Jonathan Shaw 说 that legal training is challenging but rewarding. “Don’t let the LSAT (Law School 招生 Test) scare you, 但是法学院很吓人,他笑着说. “It’s rough, it’s tough, but it is so much fun.”

Shaw, a Penn State alum, also reminded the students about the importance of ethics and discretion. “It takes a lifetime to build a reputation, but it only takes a few moments of weakness to destroy it. Carefully consider your behavior before it appears on Facebook or Twitter.”

卡罗尔DeBunda, coordinator of the 职业发展 Center at 阿宾顿, 说 the law forum was an outstanding opportunity for students. “The array of experience that the panelists represented gave the students the opportunity to think: Is one of these avenues for me?”她说。. DeBunda has organized the law school forum at 阿宾顿 for 13 years.

Several panelists reminded the students to utilize the resources available at 阿宾顿. Shaw, the law student, described the 职业发展 Center as “unbelievable.” He 说 DeBunda introduced him to the Honorable Glynnis D. Hill of the Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas, which led to an internship last summer.

除了亚伯拉罕, 谢弗和肖, eight others representing diverse choices in legal careers were invited to the forum: Allison Bressler Goldis, 联系, 马歇尔, 丹尼希, 华纳, 科尔曼 & Goggin; Julia Cheskis Weisberg, 联系, Pepper Hamilton; Lauren DeBunda Shank, 律师, community volunteer and stay-at-home mother; Salar Ghahramani, 讲师, 法律与政治学, 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校; the Hon. Glynnis D. Hill, the Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas; Brian J. 克雷多,搭档,梅德尼克,梅兹克 & Kredo; Stephen Mallozzi, vice president and 联系 general counsel, ARAMARK Education; and Wendy Reczek, 律师助理, 知识产权法律服务.

For more information on the 职业发展 Center at 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校, go to www.阿宾顿.事业单位.edu/careerdevelopment or follow them on Facebook at 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 职业发展.
